My name is Justalee Solano, and I will be graduating from Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School in June 2022. I am accomplishing finishing high school, as I thought I couldn’t, and it is because the motivators at Albizu Campos are very strong. There is nothing you cannot ask help for. As a senior the next question stood, now what? During the period of completing final requirements, I was asked about my future steps. It didn’t hit me; I was about to finally close an important chapter in my education. College was always discussed, but I never thought it would be an option. Thankfully, I was given the opportunity to take Dual Enrollment classes with Northeastern Illinois University at Roberto Clemente Community Academy. One class in particular, Philosophy with Dr. Milsky, has been a pleasure to take so far. The deep conversations in which we engage is something much needed. As a young adult, some things are too taboo to speak on. Not with this class! You can be out in the open with your opinions. There is no judgment, no right or wrong answer, just a safe space to think critically. If I wasn’t given this opportunity, I would’ve remained quiet with my opinions. I would’ve thought, “ there’s no way anyone else can agree with me.” Dr. Milsky makes you feel welcomed and that your input matters. From the beginning, he stated his class was not a place to offend anyone, but to include everyone. He is open to hearing about topics that may be hard to express in a traditional class setting. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this opportunity possible for me and all of the Dual Enrollment students!