A Child” (Poem)



Consuelo Lee Corretjer

A child is a future,
synthesis of creation,
owner of everything he sees,
that he touches,
that he hears,
that he feels
But overall he is a vehicle
of immortality;
without a past in appearance
but a steel container
of all the past and all that lived,
free, without straps
nor fears
restless fighter
seeking his kind
as the plants seek the sun.
Ignoring prejudices,
and other negativeness;
wearing hopes for the first time
sharing originalities
within all that is the same
in eternal repetition
eternally new
and as old as the earth itself

a child, do not be deceived, my friend,
in his soft wrap
(which is his strength)
pink, black, red
or whatever other human hues
in which he arrives wrapped
his fragile hardness,
is always a future
static’s enemy
whose meaning is to
change all.

Listen to the Spanish version of the poem below, read by Zoraida Tanon, a former parent of the Daycare.