Affordable Care Act Program at the James R. Thompson Center!


The open enrollment period for private health insurance through the Marketplace is now in full swing! The In-Person Counselors of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center are going to different locations throughout the city to meet the demand for our services. The James R. Thompson Center at downtown will be one of our sites. From now untilย February 10th, 2015, there will be two staff members at theย James R. Thompson Center every Tuesday fromย 10am to 4pmย to educate and enroll the public. Last week, our table was very busy with people stopping by! Some of them wanted to enroll, many had questions, and others hurriedly grabbed a flyer or two and sprinted out in order to resume their hectic daily routine. We were more than glad to help people enroll, to answer their questions, or make an appointment to provide individualized assistance later.