Ald. Maldonado leads PRCC Contingent at Gay Parade


On Sunday June 29th, a contingent of more than a hundred participants from the Puerto Rican Cultural Center marched in the cities gay parade. Some of the programs represented were: Vida Sida, National Boricua Human Rights Network, ACA, Mujeres del Paseo, Generation L, BACCA, and El Rescate. The contingent marched along two floats, one representing the PRCC and another representing Alderman Maldonado. The lively group was headed by Alderman Roberto Maldonado himself.

The presence of Puerto Rican patriot Oscar Lopez Rivera was also evident. Many distributed a special message from the patriot on the issue of equality and human sexuality. A cabezudo carried by Oscar’s niece Lourdes Lugo walked the entire parade route. Petitions demanding Oscar’s release were also signed by hundreds. It was indeed a day to remember both in terms of the PRCC’s presence as well as for the struggle for social equality.