Clemente Freshmen Learn about BACCA’s Anti-Underage Drinking Campaign, Vida/Sida and El Rescate


On Wednesday, December 18th, a freshmen class of 15 students from Roberto Clemente Community Academy came to Batey Urbano to engage in a discussion about the history and purpose of the space as well as the Barrio Arts, Culture and Communications Academy. They will be working on a service-learning project with the Anti-Underage Drinking Campaign. Students discussed their personal thoughts about drinking and talked in depth about some of the risks of drinking alcohol. Students expressed how alcohol influenced their personal lives as well as some of the reasons they thought drinking has become so prevalent in our communities. They also got to talk about community and how alcohol affects their individual lives as well as their communities. Through this service-learning project, the students will become more informed about the risks of alcohol and be better prepared to understand social problems. They will address the issue of underage drinking at Clemente through social marketing techniques and skills.

Besides visiting Batey Urbano, two other freshmen classes learned and visited El Rescate and Vida/Sida. Representatives from EL Rescate and Vida/Sida went to Clemente and spoke to students about the history of both organizations and the issues surrounding LGBTQ communities and youth homelessness. They will be working next semester with both programs on a service-learning project.