Deepest Condolences to Compañero Fermin Arraíza

We in the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and the National Boricua Human Rights Network echo the following sentiments of Oscar López Rivera upon learning of the death of Francelis Ortiz, lawyer, activist and wife of the respected lawyer Fermin Arraíza. She was a tender, loving, compassionate young woman whose mere presence inspired respect and dignity. We are eternally gratefully to her and to Fermin for their unswerving commitment to the campaign to free our beloved. Oscar López Rivera.


Dearest Clarisa:

Please share with Fermin our condolences. The lost of a loved one is always a heart wrenching experience and we would like for him to feel our love and respect for him and his beloved family during this painful and tragic moment they are experiencing. We hope that every member of our society can regain its love for life and becomes more sensitive and aware that it behooves all of us to work to put an end to the dysfunctionality that prevails in our homeland. Life is beautiful and its sacredness must be present in our hearts and mind constantly. We must transcend hatred, fear, greed and our attachment to trinkets and to escapism. Life has meaning and we must try to help those who have lost it or can’t find it for themselves.

I can only imagine what he, their six year old daughter and all his children are going through. Let’s hope we can help him and his loved ones to heal and transcend all the pain this horrible and tragic event has brought to them.

Take good care, much love and never forget you are my little world, olr.