Dr. Julio Muriente, professor at the University of Puerto Rico and member of the Editorial Board of Claridad, the pro-independence newspaper, spoke at an informal charla Monday night at La Bruquena Restaurant on Paseo Boricua.

The small intimate crowd of 30+ were treated to a wonderful Puerto Rican dinner of white rice, pork chops, salad and chicken tips. Professor Muriente touched on different topics, among them as part of his presentation, but focused on the recent November elections and in particular, the “plebiscite” called by the then ruling New Progressive Party, the Statehood party. In an articulate deconstruction of the mass media’s projection of the vote as overwhelmingly favorable to statehood. What looked like, at first glance, a victory for the statehood movement turns out to be a solid rejection of the statehood option, once the protest and “blank” votes were counted.