By: Dr. Melissa Lewis

On Friday October 21, 2022, The Puerto Ri- can Cultural Center, Youth Connection Charter School, and Alternative Schools Network came together with Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School to celebrate the high school’s 50th anniversary. We are pleased to announce that the event was well-attended. Highlights included emcee Ana Belaval and the singing of La Borinqueña by Cassandra Figueroa. We were honored to receive the Honorable State Senator Christina Pacione Zayas as she presented the high school with the State Resolution recognizing our history as an institution. We also commemorated the lifetime achievements of Board Mem- ber Milagros De La Rosa and Michelle Morales. This celebration of 50 years of educational work at the Puerto Rican High School was a powerful testament to how many lives the high school has touched throughout the years. It was an honor to have two of the founders of the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School (Carlos Alberto Torres and José E. López) in attendance along with educator Alejandrina Torres, and rep- resentatives from differenet years of graduates. It was a memorable evening of dancing inspired by DJ Julio Bishop and salsa band Willie GarcÃa y su Orquesta Sabor. Thank you to all our event spon- sors, attendees, and special guests for a wonderful 50th Gala! Community is at the heart of what we do and to have the opportunity to celebrate our founders’ legacy and come together as one com- munity was incredibly special.
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