Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School welcomes families to the Parent Academy, launching the ’14-’15 school year with resources, access – and shared goals!


by Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School Press Team

On September 16th, parents, guardians and families gathered at “La Escuelita” for the first of the year-long program of monthly meetings that aim to strengthen the partnership between school and families — so crucial to the success of our students. After sharing goals, this partnership was solidified by the signing of our School/Parent Compact. Then, the school delivered on the promise of support and access! Parents were given printed progress reports on their student’s work in the first two weeks. Then, parents received login information so they can access their child’s grades and attendance online daily. Fliers announced annual “Kick-Off” of The Instituto Abayarde after/before school programs offering sports, arts, tutoring, and more! Then, came support for the parents – our program whereby parents volunteer instead of paying school fees, announcement of job opportunities, and links to programs for support with electric, gas, and low-cost internet. Following the business portion of the gathering, the group chatted while enjoying snacks.