Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Vex Robotics team competes in 2015 NEIU Upward Bound Vex Robotics Competition

By Diamond Montana, Science Teacher, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School

Please congratulate our Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Vex Robotics team for competing in this year’s 2015 NEIU Upward Bound Vex Robotics Competition! After twenty-two weeks of hard work in our Instituto Abayarde after school program, eighteen students created and coded three fully functional robots to compete in the annual 2015 NEIU Upward Bound Vex Robotics Competition.


The first Saturday of Spring break our Robotics Team, adorned with their new Robotics Team t-shirts, traveled to Northeastern Illinois University Center for College Access and Success to test their robots against seven other schools in the Chicago area. Our team did very well in our second competition this year but hope to do better in the coming ’15-’16 school year.  We will be having a summer program that will introduce new students to programing as well as mechanical engineering for next year’s round of competitions.  If you are interested please be sure to ask about the VEX Robotics Team when you apply at PACHS and leave your name and number.