El Rescate Residents Help with 3 Kings Winterfest


For the preparation of Three Kings Day, staff, volunteers, and the rest of the family here at the El Rescate wrapped gifts. When Three King’s day finally arrived, the festivities started with a parade that began at Clemente High School, traveled west on Division Street and ended at Humboldt Park Field House. The celebration consisted of the Three Kings, a fire truck, a horse and carriage, a trolley, motorcycles, and plenty of Puerto Rican flags.

When the parade finally approached the field house, kids ranging from 1 to 12 years old all lined up, eager to receive their gifts. Thousands of gifts were given and every single child received one.


After all was said and done, it was amazing to see how much the community cares about the children and how countless people volunteered their time to make this special for the kids.