[lang_en]For Home and Hope in Humboldt Park: La Voz del Paseo Boricua Celebrates 5th Anniversary[/lang_en]


    M. Rodríguez Muñiz

    For five years, La Voz del Paseo Boricua has reported on important developments taking place within, and achievements by, Chicago’s Puerto Rican community. Currently serving as the only Puerto Rican-focused newspaper in the city, La Voz keeps alive a longstanding tradition and legacy of local Puerto Rican journalism. Published by the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, every edition of our newspaper engages with critical social issues and causes, providing information on resources and opportunities, all the while celebrating the many triumphs of our community. As a newspaper committed to our collective empowerment, we continue to raise our pens against the ongoing attacks on community life caused by gentrification. Humboldt Park continues to face the same process of urban destruction that displaced us from our homes in Lincoln Park and Wicker Park, among other neighborhoods.

    Our staff and the members of the ¡Humboldt Park No Se Vende! Campaign are saddened by ever increasing housing costs that are forcing our families and businesses to relocate further northwest. However, as we have done for over half a decade, we will continue to struggle alongside those who refuse to surrender our community to greedy speculators and developers. Our barrio of Humboldt Park not only belongs to our antepasados, but also to our future generations.

    Despite these challenges, we have much reason to celebrate. Our community continues to be an example and model in community development, for our Puerto Rican communities throughout the country and in Puerto Rico. The dream realized that is Paseo Boricua continues to have the highest concentration of Puerto Rican businesses in the entire Midwest. There is still much work that needs to be done (and is being done) in the areas of health, education, employment, cultural affirmation, and youth development. La Voz, as our community’s newspaper, reaffirms its commitment to those struggles.

    On the occasion of our 5th anniversary, La Voz and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center will host a special gala on April 15. During this event we will honor our Top Ten of 2008 of Paseo Boricua, as well as hear a special keynote address from our Con. Luis Gutiérrez. The gala will also serve as the kick-off to a yearlong fundraising campaign, which seeks to make La Voz a fully sustainable newspaper.

    Throughout these past few years, I have had the honor and privilege of serving as this newspaper’s editor-in-chief. However, La Voz has been a collective endeavor from the start and has counted on the involvement of many individuals and the support of numerous organizations. I would like to recognize the work of our current volunteer staff: Jodene Velázquez, who has served as diligently as production manager for nearly four years; Jonathan Rivera, who currently is our lead designer and has contributed since La Voz’s inception through articles, photography, and design; Juanita Garcia, our relentless distribution manager for the past two years, and Xavier “Xavi” Burgos, who is a staff writer and the “Fijate” author. A very special thank you is in order for Alejandro Luis Molina, for his countless contributions, and José E. López, for his commitment to La Voz’s overall development. The current staff would also like to thank all of our previous staff members, translators, proofreaders, and distributors for all their hard work. La Voz, indeed, is a community initiative. Lastly, La Voz on the occasion of our 5th anniversary would like to especially thank all of our readers, supportive organizations, and businesses that have made the production of La Voz possible and meaningful.

    For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at: 773.227.7794.[/lang_en]