From UIC Chancellor Paula Allen-Meares


Dear Alejandro and Militza,

I am writing to thank you for all of your help coordinating the wonderful Congressman Gutierrez event held at UIC yesterday. It was a true honor to host such an outstanding public leader on our campus.  I was delighted to see so many engaged in hearing from Congressman Gutierrez and enjoying the reception  afterwards.  Events like this contribute to bringing depth to the educational experiences of all members of the UIC community.  Thank you for all that you do.  I look forward to working with you in the future.

Please extend my personal appreciation to Congressman Gutierrez.

Warmest Regards,



Paula Allen-Meares
Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago
Vice President, University of Illinois
John Corbally Presidential Professor

Pictures from the event are available on the PRCC’s Flickr site.