PRCC Executive Director to Speak at 34th Annual Good Friday Walk for Justice – This Friday, April 18


by 8th Day Center

“We who believe in freedom cannot rest!”  These words were first spoken by civil rights activist Ella Baker in 1964, urging the movement to persevere until the “killing of black men, black mothers’ sons, is as important as the killing of white mothers’ sons.”

Though we’re farther than we were in 1964, we know that we still have so far to go before the true equality that Ella Baker imagined is realized.

Every Good Friday, 8th Day gathers hundreds of people to join together in our Walk for Justice, a modern-day way-of-the-cross, to commemorate this struggle that we continue to walk together, without rest, hopeful that one day we will experience the resurrection of true peace and justice.

We begin the Walk at the corner of Congress and Michigan in downtown Chicago, and weave our way through the streets, stopping at different locations to reflect on the various injustices that plague our city, country, and world.  Various coalition partners prepare the stations, which will include reflections on immigration, environmental justice, women’s issues, human rights, and more.  We are so grateful to the many people that contribute their time and creativity to this annual project!

Please join us on Friday, April 18, at 12noon on the corner of E. Congress and S. Michigan in downtown Chicago!