Roberto Clemente Community Academy – Fine Arts Accomplishments

By Luis Salgado, RCCA

This year at Roberto Clemente Community Academy, there have been many achievements in the fine arts department. The Art 2 and AP 2D Studio student artists have showcased work at the All City Arts Exhibition,  the Congressional Art Competition, and also exhibited works for the Puerto Rican Arts Alliance Taino Project.

The All City Arts Exhibition had three gallery shows that happen annually.  Natividad Dejesus’s artwork, Fantasy was shown at The All-City Senior Portfolio Program hosted at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Natasha Arocho’s digital art works Dark Reflection and It’s All Part of the Show, Armanni Varela’s photograph Relaxing, and Emmanuel McCoy’s Alley Shots were presented at the second Exhibition of the All City Arts gallery show. While, Paula Toomer’s painting, Cherry Blossom, was exhibited in the first All City Arts gallery.

Other students who entered the competition were Steve Reyes, Bo Montgomery, Natividad Dejesus, Adonijiah Scarlett, and Emmanuel McCoy.

Lastly, Clemente worked with our partner, the Puerto Rican Arts Alliance in the Taino Curriculum Project. Students in Art 2 created  three different art projects during this unit. The first project was Taino inspired necklaces using clay, hemp strip, and assorted beads. The second project was a collaborative mural featuring a Taino petroglyph including a quote from the Puerto Rican Poet, Julia de Burgos. The final project required the students to paint the ceiling tiles in our classroom using the Taino petroglyphs mirroring the artworks in the Puerto Rican caves. All the artworks are exhibited at the Humboldt Park Field House through the end of the month.

Fine Arts Accomplishments