Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor – My Beloved World


The very distinguished Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was in Chicago recently promoting her memoir “My Beloved World.”  Humboldt Park’s very own Mádeline Rodríguez was in attendance at the Justice’s book reading. Her book describes her culturally rooted Puerto Rican heritage. Her story bears strikingly resemblances and similarities to that story which is being told today in our communities across the country.  It culminates in a book that holds your attention and serves as a beacon of inspiration.  At the very least, you will find truth in her statement, “People who live in difficult circumstances need to know that happy endings are possible.” Her presence on the United States Supreme Court forecasts the possibility of celebrating our culture. Her life story, to me, did away with all excuses!  She did it! So can you!

You can read all about “My Beloved World” and Sonia Sotomayor’s visit to Chicago by clicking here.