Case of Oscar Lopez Rivera to South Africa


Clarisa Lopez, daughter of Oscar Lopez Rivera has been invited to participate in an international conference Small Actions- Big Movements: The Continuum of Nonviolence, 1-9 July 2014. The conference is being held in Cape Town, South Africa, and is co-hosted by South African NGO The Ceasefire Campaign, a non-governmental organization committed to non-violence, peace, and arms reduction, together with War Resisters’ International, an international pacifist network. In addition to speaking a working on the campaign to free her father, her visit will include travel to the notorious Robben Island prison where Nelson Mandela spent the majority of his 27 years behind bars; Mandela friend and compatriot Ahmed Kathrada, who spent those years in jail with him, will serve as the conference closing speaker.

The National Boricua Human Rights Network is raising funds to offset costs of over $1000 associated with this trip. Individuals wishing to contribute may mail checks to:

National Boricua Human Rights Network
2739 W. Division Street
Chicago, IL 60622

and write in the note: “SA trip Clarisa”