
Chicago Boricua’s 3 R’s For Puerto Rico Delivers Once Again Following Hurricane Fiona: Puerto Rican Agenda and NMPRAC say ¡Presente!  

Less than a month after Hurricane Fiona, the Puerto Rican Agenda of Chicago has given micro-grants to multiple groups on the ground in Puerto Rico responding to the needs of Puerto Ricans, building on the relationships established through the 3 R’s for Puerto Rico Campaign started after Hurricane Maria. The Puerto Rican Agenda gave the Municipio Autonomo de Comerío a micro-grant of $2500. The Puerto Rican Agenda and NMPRAC donated $3500 each to the groups of Señorio Cultural and Comité Pro Nuestra Cultura. A $3000 donation went to Organización Puerto Rico Somos Gente, which covers the Western part of Puerto Rico from Aguadilla to Cabo Rojo. 


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