For the past 43 years Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School has served as a beacon of hope and possibilities for the diverse communities in the Greater Humboldt Park Community of Chicago. This small, alternative school has truly become what Latin American educational philosopher Paulo Freire called ” a critical space for the development of cultural workers” where students are encouraged to engage with the issues of the day, particularly the generative themes of their own lives and the experiences of their community.
Though the school has faced many challenges, it has become a sound academic institution serving 180 students a year, graduating 95% of its seniors and ranked as a 1+ school, the highest tier on the CPS school rankings. Our school offers an Urban Agriculture program with three different community gardens and a beautiful green house. Young mothers have an opportunity to finish their high school diploma through the Family Learning Center, which offers their children on-site pre-school services. When students enroll, the school provides them with a counselor to help ease their transition and prepares them for their post-secondary lives.
Recently, steep budget cuts have jeopardized the fiscal future of the school. The School has not been able to find sufficient revenue to meet these gaps. We will need to address a $130,000 shortfall by June 1st, or we will be forced to cut services.
Please help by sending your contributions by mail: 2739 West Division Street Chicago ILย 60622
or Click here and go to our web site Donate Button.
Thank you in advance for making a donation to our remarkable school and supporting its future.
All donations are tax deductible.
Please send your contributions by mail to:
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos H.S.
2739 West Division Street Chicago ILย 60622