The Puerto Rican Agenda of Chicago convenes Coalition to Ensure La Casa Puertorriqueña Remains Community-Owned Institution


Statement from Puerto Rican Agenda:

While the devastating impact of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico has focused The Puerto Rican Agenda of Chicago (The Agenda) efforts on providing relief to the island, direct assistance to those resettling in Chicago, and support in the rebuilding efforts, The Agenda is coordinating a strategic coalition to save the Daniel Ramos Casa Puertorriqueña.

The Agenda has leveraged membership of over 30 non-profit organizations, community leaders, professionals, and business owners in the Humboldt Park Puerto Rican community to develop a plan over the course of a series of meetings to save the historic and culturally significant building, now in Bankruptcy Court, known as La Casa Puertorriqueña, located at 1237 N. California Street directly in front of Humboldt Park.

“We are focused on the understanding that our Puerto Rican community has long and deep ties to Humboldt Park and that La Casa Puertorriqueña is an important landmark for our sense of pride and belonging. Our attention and efforts will be concentrated on keeping the Casa Puertorriqueña as a symbol, stronghold, and identity of the Puerto Rican people of Chicago” said Charles Serrano, Co-Chair of the Policy and Public Affairs Committee.

Jesse Fuentes Co-Chair of The Agenda said, “our energies have been dedicated to facilitating collaboration between Puerto Rican-led organizations, institutions, housing developers, professionals, and business leaders who will invest, cooperate, and collectively contribute to keeping the property in Puerto Rican hands and secure the continuation of La Casa Puertorriqueña in the Humboldt Park Community.”

The Agenda Executive Committee has coordinated planning meetings inclusive of potential investors, local business leaders, and housing developers to develop a proposal with the support of local elected officials. “We feel very confident that we have the support of Puerto Rican organizations, local leadership and have the financial commitment to secure, redevelop and maintain La Casa Puertorriqueña for decades to come,” said Attorney David S. Rodriguez – a member of the planning committee.


The Puerto Rican Agenda is non-profit organization of local Puerto Rican leaders that influences policy for the advancement of the Puerto Rican community in Chicago. Over the past two decades, the Agenda continues to develop and execute a community-driven vision for the Humboldt Park Area, where most Puerto Ricans in Chicago live, and Paseo Boricua, a business and entertainment district on Division Street between California and Western.