Message from Sundiata Acoli


Steve Whitman was a revolutionary, a comrade and my friend. He was a longtime supporter of revolutionary struggles, particularly the struggles by Black and other peoples of color for liberation from u.s. imperialism both here and abroad.

He was the beloved husband of Nancy Kurshan who is equally a revolutionary and my comrade and friend also. Steve and Nancy were a mighty Duo in struggle – and i was fortunate to collaborate with them on several projects in which we formed a Trio. Much of the prison data and other source material in my political writings came from publications by Steve Whitman and/or Nancy Kurshan.

Steve tended to avoid the spotlight but was always first to start working on or provide a solution to a problems that needed solving. He often provided crucial aid to those in the struggle, people of color in particular.

He will be sorely missed by many in myriad ways. May he rest in a well earned Peace.

Sundiata Acoli