Roberto Clemente Community Academy & Que Ondee Sola Partner with University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Latin American & Latino Studies Program to Celebrate 40th Anniversary


HUMBOLDT PARK, CHICAGO- Roberto Clemente Community Academy, which only last month celebrated its own 40th anniversary, has partnered with the UIC Latin American & Latino Studies (LALS) Program to celebrate its 40th anniversary. Community groups and leaders who were involved in the creation of LALS, together with current students, faculty and staff are busy preparing a 2 week celebration (schedule below).

Of particular significance are the 2 partnerships; one by Roberto Clemente Community Academy’s TV and Video Department led by Mildred Amador, which took on the amazing (and time-intensive) task of having her class video-tape 16 representatives of the celebration. Mildred, along with her class, prepped the participants, read the questions and, along with Milton Tanco, Clemente Videographer and Tech, and Matt McCanna, edited the videos into 2 minute segments. It was a superb example of the way partnerships between community and university partnerships should function.

In addition, Que Ondee Sola (QOS), the longest published Latino student newsmagazine in the US and based at Northeastern Illinois University, is dedicating a section of its November issue to the LALS Program’s 40th Anniversary celebration. Alyssa Villegas, QOS Editor stated “We look forward to collaborating with LALS and continuing to develop our relationship with the UPRS and other student groups. This small contribution is our responsibility to the development of future leadership.”