Thousands throng 33rd Annual Puerto Rican People’s Parade Gov. Pat Quinn and New York State Assemblyman José Rivera Special Guest


This year’s 33rd annual Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade was dedicated to the greening of Humboldt Park. The theme “Verde Que Te Quiero Verde” drawn from the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca, was intended on calling attention to the efforts of creating a sustainable green greater Humboldt Park community.
Gov. Pat Quinn and New York State Assemblyman José Rivera joined local leaders such as Ald. Roberto Maldonado, Angel “Tito” Medina, Casa Puertorriqueña, State Rep. Antonia “Toni” Berrios and State Rep. Luis Arroyo.
One of the most salient aspects of the parade itself was the paper mache likeness of Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera, which hovered over the float of the National Boricua Human Rights Network.