Unity is a Skill


by Joel Kindelan, Student Journalist, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School

Once a week, the entire school – students and staff – all get together for “Unity.” According to Juan Rodriguez, Math Teacher, “The full name is, ‘Unity for Social Analysis.’ It was originally started to deal with concerns students had. Now, it’s a time to celebrate achievements of the students, the school, and the community.” Some of the Unity programs have honored student achievements, such as perfect attendance and students who embody the Definite Dozen character qualities, Other programs include a talent show for students, staff, and guests. We’ve had poets, dancers, rappers, beat boxers, bongo players, and singers. At Unity, we celebrate being Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and being in Humboldt Park.

On October 29th,  we had a pot-luck lunch. “We were giving thanks because it was the end of our first quarter, and it is important to always be thankful for that. When you work hard, you need to celebrate the fruits of your labor,” explains Diamond Montana, Science Teacher. Our principal, Matt Rodriguez, said, “Unity is a skill”. He explained that when you build unity, you have to sacrifice a selfish need for the greater good. He challenged students to speak with three people they never spoke with before. He also challenged us to interact with people, instead of being on our phones. We enjoyed music and food  — and we were all talking together, united as a community.